Hi! I'm Tobey and my mom is writing this for me. I live with my sister, Daisy. We do lots of fun things everyday.

My other sister, Teg, was my best friend. I think about her all the time and that makes me happy.

I have 5 people and you know who they are! I really miss the ones that aren't here ... so this is for you.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Let's Not Talk About It

I've been MIA.
I've been busy.
I've been sleeping.

I've been trying to ignore my virtual self.

 But the more I pondered "should I or shouldn't I?", "does this give my life meaning?" and
"is there anyone out there?", I realized the best reason for me to jump back on the digital horse is ....

To keep me sane 'cause Daisy makes me CRAZY!!!

So let's not belabor the fact that you've missed 3 months of my life.
Here's a synopsis:

In September, Mom noticed a growth/cyst  on my wrist  which the vet advised to have removed.  Mom ignored the situation until I had my teeth cleaned in January.  Then it was removed.  Continuing her cavalier attitude regarding my health, she said "no" to sending the specimen to the Purdue pathology lab.  Seems she had better things to do with $138.

  *Found out there's no Tooth Fairy*

Two of my favorite bottom teeth were pulled and I found nothing under my pillow. 


Discovered I'm bow legged.

Other than that, it was a lost month really.


 Biggest snow of the season.  
Not a problem unless your genitalia drags along in the snow.

Shovels people.

It's a 3 legged kinda snow.

 That sort of sums it up.

How was your winter?


1 comment:

  1. Oh how we've missed you!

    We're sorry to hear about the growth and the teeth being pulled. My sister Muffin just had 1 pulled last week and they had a very rough time getting it all out. We were lucky enough to have a Fairy Godmother ship her something from the Tooth Fairy. Otherwise Muffin would have gotten SQUAT!

    Glad that you've caught up on your sleep bcuz now you need to start blogging again :)

    Lily Belle & Muffin
