Hi! I'm Tobey and my mom is writing this for me. I live with my sister, Daisy. We do lots of fun things everyday.

My other sister, Teg, was my best friend. I think about her all the time and that makes me happy.

I have 5 people and you know who they are! I really miss the ones that aren't here ... so this is for you.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


 It's been a very "weining" Christmas at our house.  
All of my favorite people were home and we got some quality snuggle time together.

Daisy still "believes" so we played along for her benefit.
"Did you hear Santa's reindeer on the roof just now?"
She went to the window to see if she could spot him.

Even I have to admit that's pretty cute.

 I told her Santa isn't going to leave any presents for her if she isn't a nice girl and learns to share toys.

 And learns to LEAVE ME ALONE when I'm playing with mine.

In spite of her short comings and obvious flaws, Santa left Daisy (and me) the best toys ever!!!
Actually, these two were gifts from GMA, but Daisy's not supposed to know.

 Best. Toys. Ever.

Their tails make a crunching sound and their heads squeek.


 I'm going to make mine last!

Daisy - not so much.

OK, this is just a gratuitous sweater shot.

I hope you gotta spend Christmas with the people you love.

I know I did.

1 comment:

  1. We too had like the bestest Christmas ever! We got so many great toys and treats that I didn't realize we were THAT good!

    Lily Belle & Muffin
