Hi! I'm Tobey and my mom is writing this for me. I live with my sister, Daisy. We do lots of fun things everyday.

My other sister, Teg, was my best friend. I think about her all the time and that makes me happy.

I have 5 people and you know who they are! I really miss the ones that aren't here ... so this is for you.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


 It's so cold outside that it's not fun to go out anymore.  

I just want to stay under my blankies.

But Mom is making go out.  
And when she gets frustrated with me she calls me a different name.


I know for sure that's my new name because she has to say it at least 5 times ...
 and then I go outside.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like this is going to be your "winter name"
    Take care
    Kisses and hugs
