Hi! I'm Tobey and my mom is writing this for me. I live with my sister, Daisy. We do lots of fun things everyday.

My other sister, Teg, was my best friend. I think about her all the time and that makes me happy.

I have 5 people and you know who they are! I really miss the ones that aren't here ... so this is for you.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Oh My Goodness!! Do I look a bit frazzled? That may have something to do with the fact that I was up ALL night trying to remember my Tobey Time password. How embarrassing....I only forgot what it was for 8 months...no biggie. 

Well.... I am back for good! There is so much to catch up on.....mostly Dachshund stuff. There will be plenty of time for that soon. I plan on spending the next several months indoors....it's FREEEEZING outside.

Today there was a bit of commotion. I was awoken during my fifth morning nap to hear lots of congratulations and excitement. I'm not 100% about what's happening...just that I keep hearing the words "Indianapolis"and  "Pet-friendly apartments"

I did find this clue....

....I will keep investigating

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