Can't say I've been that busy lately.
Just chillin and thinking about what a great summer it was.
Those last few days of summer were great.
A little crisp, a little cool.
Good blankie weather.
Naps on the pier.
End of the summer boat rides.
Oh Culver ...
Nothing like that last boat ride, though.
A sure sign the season is over.
Bringing in the buoys.
While we were at the lake this summer, Molly took over the house.
She got cat stink all over my spot.
And in general thought she ruled.
But now that it's getting really cold, she thinks she can take over the heat vent at the sink.
I think not.
Oh yeah, hope you had a great Halloween!
It was cold and rainy here so we didn't get to do our parade, but Mom said we had to put on our costumes anyway.
Yep, I was a Candy Corn.
We thinks you have the summer blues... Summer is over and winter is here! We're glad you had a great summer. We enjoyed going on the boat rides with you.....
Lily Belle