Hi! I'm Tobey and my mom is writing this for me. I live with my sister, Daisy. We do lots of fun things everyday.

My other sister, Teg, was my best friend. I think about her all the time and that makes me happy.

I have 5 people and you know who they are! I really miss the ones that aren't here ... so this is for you.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dog Daze of Summer

 Is it just me, or did summer fly by?
 I'm still thinking about all the fun stuff we did this summer.

Everyone is STILL talking about this:

 Daisy did a little swimming, too, but she's not nearly as brave as me.

She gets a little panicky.

 She mainly likes to float.

With Madeline.

Kevin John was so proud of me.

 I was the *hot* dog of the summer.


  1. And we're so proud of you too! All that swimming, how pawsome was that. I love to swim and have a doggie pool on our deck for those really hot days. Muffin doesn't like to swim so Mommy will sit in the little pool with her. Guess she loves us!

    Lily Belle

  2. Wow!
    You are soooo brave!
    I am sure you all enjoyed a super duper summer!
    Thanks for sharing it!
    Kisses and hugs
