Hi! I'm Tobey and my mom is writing this for me. I live with my sister, Daisy. We do lots of fun things everyday.

My other sister, Teg, was my best friend. I think about her all the time and that makes me happy.

I have 5 people and you know who they are! I really miss the ones that aren't here ... so this is for you.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Road Trip

It's a holiday weekend, so Mom and Dad and Daisy and I went to West Lafayette to visit Granny B. 

Daisy and I were the first ones in the car.

Dad said Mom was on fumes, so we started the trip at the gas station.

We were told to be good and stay in our seats.

I listen really good, don't I?

But of course, Daisy was all over the place.

Won't listen.  Sad, really.

Mom packed the car with my favorite blanket and chew bone.  Got it nice and worked down at the edges; kinda soft and gummy, just the way I like it.

Then Daisy took it.

Story of my life.

Dad is a really good driver.  Since I couldn't do my bone work, I wanted to help him watch the road.

But I wasn't allowed to sit up front, so I had to sit on the back floor and help Mom monitor Dad's speed.

Fortunately it was just a 2 hour trip.


Finally, we arrived!

I could tell Jackie was happy to see me.

And Dad.

But not so much Daisy.

After Mom, Dad and Granny B had a nice lunch,  Daisy helped Dad with his coffee.

And stayed out of Jackie's way.

Jackie gave me the nod and I went into her bed and picked out some yummy toys.

Not to judge, but I think she's a little spoiled.



While Jackie wasn't looking, Daisy went to her bed and nabbed a few toys.

Daisy thought Jackie didn't notice, but she had her in her crosshairs the entire time.

Dad's arms are always a safe bet.

In classic "nanna nanna booboo" style,  Jackie got even with Daisy.

Passive aggressive and perfectly executed.

WTG Jackie!

Rubbing it in and hoping Daisy is watching!

I stayed the heck out of it.

I tip my hat to you Jackie.

It was a good visit in West Lafayette.

Thanks Granny B and Jackie.

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